[Magdalen] Are we down?

Scott Knitter scottknitter at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 23:30:11 UTC 2015

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 4:11 PM, Roger Stokes
<roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com> wrote:
> I'm not Scott but  traditionally at Candlemas candles (or a representative
> sample of them) are blessed for use in church in the following year - hence
> the title.  I am surprised that Ascension bless then on the Eve rather than
> at Mass on the day, which is actually Monday this year.  The name of the
> Feast with which some will be more familiar is either the Purification of
> the BVM or the Presentation of Christ in the Temple which is why it is 40
> days after Christmas.

I'm guessing that for greater attendance, and for music from the full
choir, the candle blessing is moved this year to our monthly Evensong
& Benediction.

Could be very well attended, as friends and supporters of the
organist, choirmaster, and choir members want to hear them play and
sing before the organist and choirmaster leave after the Feb. 15
Masses. Someone put it, "Before it all comes crashing down," but we
don't know what the plans are for music after that. Destruction is not
the rector's goal here. I'm trying to just observe and not take sides.

I'll be serving as an acolyte both for Sunday Evensong and for Monday
evening's Low Mass of the holy day. Plus subdeacon for Mass tomorrow
morning. And all this with a forecast of 12-14 inches of snow by
Monday morning. Whee.

Scott R. Knitter
Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA

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