[Magdalen] Whoops. We've got the Southern slavers' battle flag in the Nat...

Ann Markle ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
Sat Jul 4 02:25:00 UTC 2015

Roger (et al, though many of you already know this) -- I felt so lucky to
go to a multidenominational seminary like Yale -- every Friday we
celebrated communion from a different tradition (no Eastern Orthodox, as I
recall, but RC and many protestant traditions) -- and we had lively
discussions in classes and at lunch over sacraments and how the different
denominations viewed them.  Was I ever surprised -- and educated!  But our
RC professor had a rich and deep sacramental tradition to share with us,
including the adaptation of the rites to places such as Latin America with
their own indigenous traditions.  Loved it.


The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo, NY
ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
blog:  www.onewildandpreciouslife.typepad.com

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 5:39 AM, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com>

> On 01/07/2015 01:07, Ann Markle wrote:
>> As someone from a sacramental tradition, I'm really glad I took liturgy
>> from a Roman Catholic,
> O think there's a lot to be said for liturgical training from someone who
> "does it all".  You can then select what works for you and drop what
> doesn't knowing why some people do X and others don't.  It is also helpful
> if called to officiate in a different tradition as there is some residual
> memory.  Nowadays I think some RC priests could do with training from
> Anglicans :-)
> Roger

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