[Magdalen] I've really grown to hate the Fourth of July

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Tue Jul 7 00:22:41 UTC 2015

>Can *really* hold my liquor but never really partied hearty too much after
>leaving college... even went months without booze, wine or anything in the

A wise old GP once advised "Drink all (the alcohol) you want -- but never do it
alone, whether in a bar or club, or at home. Drinking alone is a sure sign of
alcoholism -- and something you'd need to stop, one way or another."

I can’t say I always took his advice, back in the day when I was seeking to
suppress inhibitions in gay bars, but I've been good with It for a good 35 years

I will admit that Albert and I will get in the mood to finish off an entire 
bottle of wine from time to time after dinner, but never enough for a hangover.

Meanwhile, we went to a baseball game yesterday (Rail Riders beat Buffalo 4-0 --  
we got there and back by antique trolley car -- a real one) and we both had a 
couple of large artisanal beers, and just like in Vermont last week, no leg 
cramps. But halfway through the third, I remembered why they tell you that 
drinking beer in the sun on a hot day isn’t the best idea out there <g>.


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