[Magdalen] What Each Myers-Briggs Type Does In A Rut (The Rise Of The Inferior Function) | Thought Catalog

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 17:17:27 UTC 2015

No.   Possible insights into oneself or  the other can be interesting.  
At a trivial, even humorous, level perhaps as you say, but not really 
seriously to the thinking person.  And knowledge is power, as in knowing 
what makes oneself or the other tick.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 7/15/2015 10:18 AM, Jim Guthrie wrote:
> Is looking for quantification of one' own behavior a way of 
> rationalizing away certain outré personal habits?
> "I'm an ABCD and she's a WXYZ and that explains everything." I suspect 
> all this is an intellectual version of "What sign are you?" "Oh, I 
> could never get along with a Gemini because I;m a Capricorn. Good Bye!"
> But it's the age we live in, I suppose.
> Cheers,
> Jim
> .

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