[Magdalen] BSA

Susan Hutchinson shutchinsonca at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 17:21:11 UTC 2015

On 2015-07-28, at 9:42 AM, James Handsfield wrote:

> Yes, girls may join Venturing crews.  The only Explorers left are Sea Explorers who are members of a ship.  My point is to open Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts to girls.  And, BTW, I think GSA should be open to boys.  There are girls who prefer the kind of scouting activities of Cubs and Boy Scouts, and there are boys who prefer the kind of activities of Brownies and Girl Scouts.

I have to disagree with you, Jim. Here in Canada the Boy Scouts -- Scouts Canada -- accepts and encourages girls to join. It hasn't helped their numbers significantly, but it does work for some young women. Girl Guides in Canada has taken a different route, celebrating its single sex history, and the role it has had in encouraging women's leadership. There is hardly a woman of major achievement and leadership in Canada, from author to astronaut, scientist to arts figure, politician, judge, sports figure, or whatever, who doesn't credit Girl Guiding for encouraging her to go further, try harder, learn leadership. There is no difference in the program possibilities between the two organizations. But the studies show that girls flourish in a same sex environment and not always so in a mixed gender environment. 

I do think that we have to make allowances for transgender kids, but otherwise, let's not take away a working model. Note your own assessment of Girl Scouts. The stats here too show that Girl Guides is still doing well, while Scouting, despite inviting in the girls, is declining rapidly.


The Rev. Susan Hutchinson
shutchinsonca at gmail.com

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