[Magdalen] Gap Year

sally.davies at gmail.com sally.davies at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 14:43:35 UTC 2015

Drat, I just typed a post and it vanished. Also, with this Inbox thing, I'm
finding that it's impossible to trim the previous emails which appear
automatically! To achieve this I had to copy and paste my contribution onto
a new, clean email even though there's no cause to start a new thread.
If anyone knows how to do it I'd be grateful for advice - Inbox is very
helpful to me but that seems to be an unhelpful difference with the
"normal" Gmail.
I just wanted to add, that from a perspective of 40% unemployment as we
have in South Africa, any of those US figures look enviable. Or does it
just mean that a lot more people are taken as being self-employed...?
I would have thought that given the usual prevalence of mental and
behavioural conditions that render people unemployable without necessarily
being officially disabled - everything from substance abuse to mild head
injury, recurrent illness, and personalities that can't get along with
others - 6% is pretty amazing, though I'm sure a lot of people are in and
out of jobs.
And then there's a proportion, in any country, that don't seem to WANT
work, getting by in other ways. When they do seek a job their main focus
seems to be how to avoid the work that's expected of them.
Not to mention those who work hard doing things that are illegal or
criminal. Maybe they have day-jobs...
Sally D

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