[Magdalen] Christine Jorgensen

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Thu Jun 4 17:47:51 UTC 2015

In a message dated 6/4/2015 12:48:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
gracecan at gmail.com writes:


I heard someone on NPR the other day say that  transsexual and transgender
aren't the same thing, but I forget the  distinction. Maybe transsexuals
have had the surgical procedures and  transgenders haven't?

Definition of  "transsexual"
a person having a strong desire to assume the physical characteristicsand 
gender role of the opposite sex.

a person who has undergone hormone treatment and surgery toattain the 
physical characteristics of the opposite sex.

of, relating to, or characteristic of transsexuals.

    *   Transgender  (sometimes shortened to trans or TG) people are those 
whose psychological self  ("gender identity") differs from the social 
expectations for the physical sex  they were born with. To understand this, one 
must understand the difference  between biological sex, which is one's body 
(genitals, chromosomes, ect.), and  social gender, which refers to levels of 
masculinity and femininity. Often,  society conflates sex and gender, viewing 
them as the same thing. But, gender  and sex are not the same 
thing.Transgender people are those whose  psychological self ("gender identity") differs 
from the social expectations  for the physical sex they were born with. For 
example, a female with a  masculine gender identity or who identifies as a 
    *   An  umbrella term for transsexuals, cross-dressers (transvestites), 
 transgenderists, gender queers, and people who identify as neither female 
nor  male and/or as neither a man or as a woman. Transgender is not a sexual 
 orientation;transgender people may have any sexual orientation. It is  
important to acknowledge that while some people may fit under this definition  
of transgender, they may not identify as such.
These  are a couple of definitions I've found:

David  Strang.

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