[Magdalen] Proposed Property Settlement in Episcopal Litigation Turned Down

Zephonites at aol.com Zephonites at aol.com
Tue Jun 16 04:17:15 UTC 2015

Totally agree. I used to be head oft eh Group Patent Dept at Reckitt and  
Colman and I would always tell management that the only winners in such a  
situation are the external lawyers.
However all is not lost - the parties are talking and this may be an  
opening gambit from both sides. This is often the way settlements go
You might find that SC will relinguish the name if the trust funds go with  
them (after all I guess SC raised the money for the trust funds in the 
first  place and not the national church)
In a message dated 16/06/2015 01:05:36 GMT Daylight Time,  
gingawilder at gmail.com writes:

You  know, I 'knew' the breakaways would turn this down.  And, here I  am,
feeling crestfallen.  How silly of me.  It would have been SO  GOOD to be
rid of the fruitless litigation.   SIGH.


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