[Magdalen] Proposed Property Settlement in Episcopal Litigation Turned Down

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 15:31:15 UTC 2015

Martin>(after all I guess SC raised the money for the trust funds in the
> first  place and not the national church)

How does the Anglican CofE view endowments to their government owned 
churches Martin?


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When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that I have not a 
single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything You gave me." 
attributed to Erma Bombeck

From: "Ginga Wilder" <gingawilder at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 5:41 AM
To: <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
Subject: Re: [Magdalen] Proposed Property Settlement in Episcopal Litigation 
Turned Down

> Martin,
> Mark Lawrence's breakaway church has not made a response.  To my knowledge
> the proposal remains on the table. As far as motives, reasons, thinking of
> the Lawrence leadership, I cannot speak for them.  You may read their
> response and Canon Jim Lewis' comments on their webpage.
> http://www.diosc.com/sys/index.php
> Ginga
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 12:17 AM, Zephonites--- via Magdalen <
> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>> Ginga
>> Totally agree. I used to be head oft eh Group Patent Dept at Reckitt and
>> Colman and I would always tell management that the only winners in such a
>> situation are the external lawyers.
>> However all is not lost - the parties are talking and this may be an
>> opening gambit from both sides. This is often the way settlements go
>> You might find that SC will relinguish the name if the trust funds go 
>> with
>> them (after all I guess SC raised the money for the trust funds in the
>> first  place and not the national church)
>> Blessings
>> Martin
>> In a message dated 16/06/2015 01:05:36 GMT Daylight Time,
>> gingawilder at gmail.com writes:
>> You  know, I 'knew' the breakaways would turn this down.  And, here I 
>> am,
>> feeling crestfallen.  How silly of me.  It would have been SO  GOOD to be
>> rid of the fruitless litigation.   SIGH.
>> Ginga

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