[Magdalen] Creator of Cultural Icon RIP

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 22:50:05 UTC 2015

The same youth group also sells "rolling insurance" at Halloween. If you
buy it and your yard gets "rolled" (aka "TP'd") they will come out and
clean it up. That's a particularly nasty job if it rains.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 6:18 PM, Jo Craddock <jocraddock at gmail.com> wrote:

> Our youth group started doing this a few years ago as an Epiphany season
> fund raiser. The most popular Mardi Gras parade/krewe in Baton Rouge is
> that of Spanish Town, a politically-incorrect, very edgy parade, that
> started in the eclectic neighborhood bordering the state capitol, so
> usually goes with a political theme. The mascot of Spanish Town: the pink
> flamingo. The City Park lake is filled with six-foot wooden pink flamingos
> near the start of carnival season, and it just grows from there.
> http://www.spanishtownmardigras.com/parade.htm
> All to say: the flamingos were in *high* demand, and we had several
> families disappointed that they *weren't* flocked, thus having the
> unofficial BR Mardi Gras mascot all over their front yard. In fact, this
> year, we had to set a three-day limit for keeping the flock in one's yard,
> and were able to charge additional fees for a longer period!
> Peace,
> Jo
> On 06/24/2015 4:50 PM, Jay Weigel wrote:
>> Actually, I believe the flamingo insurance is not against being flocked,
>> but insures cleanup in the event one is flocked.
>> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 5:49 PM, Jay Weigel<jay.weigel at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>  >A source of income for the youth group of my former parish in TN...you
>>> can
>>> >pay them to "flock" someone of your choice (place a large number of said
>>> >cultural icons about their lawn in dead of night). They also sell
>>> "flamingo
>>> >insurance, which one may purchase against being "flocked", so they come
>>> out
>>> >ahead in either direction.
>>> >
>>> >On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Jim Guthrie<jguthrie at pipeline.com>
>>> >wrote:
>>> >
>>>> >>"Don Featherstone did not invent Phoenicopterus ruber: Nature took
>>>> care
>>>> >>of that eons ago. But what Mr. Featherstone did nearly six decades
>>>> ago — in
>>>> >>the process indelibly altering the landscape of midcentury America —
>>>> was to
>>>> >>cast the creature in plastic and attach slender, rodlike legs for
>>>> planting
>>>> >>it in the ground."
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Read it all:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/24/business/don-featherstone-inventor-of-the-pink-flamingo-in-plastic-dies-at-79.html
>>>> >>
>>>> >>(Not to be confused with the great 1972 movie of the same name)
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Cheers,
>>>> >>Jim
>>>> >>
>>>> >>"The enemy isn’t liberalism;
>>>> >>the enemy isn’t conservatism.
>>>> >>The enemy, is baloney." - Lars Erik Nelson
>>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >

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