[Magdalen] If I stood up and put weight on the legs, the cramps went away immediately.

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Mon Jun 29 14:13:36 UTC 2015

>months without having a glass of wine and have no trouble with leg cramps.
>Color me thankful to have discovered the cause of the cramping.  I drink
>water with lemon when I'm in a former wine-drinking setting.

Interesting -- have never had a problem with red wine or hard liquor (limited as 
that has been, save fore the period when we returned from California and had my 
grandmother insisting on sharing her nightly Lemonade-pitcher-full of Manhattans 

The Magnesium deficiency's interesting -- my doctor once said it was potassium 
(eat more bananas) but that never seemed to solve the problem. And when it comes 
right down to it, few beers seem to go with bananas anyway,


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