[Magdalen] I been bitten

Susan Hagen susanvhagen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 01:25:00 UTC 2015

 I saw the doctor and he put me on levofloxacin.  Once again I got to
be a teaching case for his staff.  He explained that 80% of cat bites
will become infected and that the particular kind of bursa in the hand
act as superhighways for the infection to spread further so you always
treat prophylacticaly with antibiotics.  He picked this one hoping to
clear out the various respiratory bugs I've been fighting too.

He did ask me if I hadn't considered using a broom rather than my hand
to break up the fight.

My hand feels swollen and sore but I took a pain pill and think I'll
make up an Epsom salts soak later.

Before enlightenment pay bills, do laundry.  After enlightenment pay
bills, do laundry.

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