[Magdalen] The cat is caught

Susan Hagen susanvhagen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 01:26:10 UTC 2015

Just before I needed to leave for the doctor this afternoon I heard
another commotion on the back porch.  Sunny was screaming at the black
cat that he would get him this time.  I got my cats and the neighbor
cats inside and shut the doors.  The black cat had retired to the
front porch.  I grabbed the cat carrier, put a dish of canned food in
it and went out front.  Put the carrier on the front walk and called
hear kitty kitty.  The black cat actually walked up, stuck his head in
with me standing right there, eeled around and out, looked at me and
walked back in.  I reached over the cage and closed the door on him.
I put the whole thing in the bathroom and went on to my appointment.
I thought hard about deporting him to the Augusta County SPCA but
their website looked like it would be tricky.  I know R'ham asked for
name and address and where the cats were found.  Augusta said it
limited its catchment area.  I finally called R'ham county and asked
for animal control to pick him up.  Dispatch said they couldn't
transport him but could meet me at the shelter so that's what I did.
He cried.  I feel like a shit.  He really must be someone's cat or he
wouldn't have let me catch him like that.  If his owners care at all
for him they'll probably also check the SPCA and retrieve him,
reintroducing the problem to our street.  I wish I could save them

Before enlightenment pay bills, do laundry.  After enlightenment pay
bills, do laundry.

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