[Magdalen] Pressure cooker redux

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 02:42:46 UTC 2015

I've lived this long without one, I think I'll manage just fine the rest of
my life without one. I've adapted fine to lots of new technologies, but
pressure cookers are an old one I won't bother with, thank you very much.

On Thursday, March 5, 2015, Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com> wrote:

> I picked up yesterday's food section of the local paper, and this was the
> lead of one of the articles:
> "It's one of the most pervasive of culinary clichés--the exploding pressure
> cooker. And thanks to it, all manner of otherwise adept home cooks
> fearfully retreat from this kitchen workhorse."
> Timing, timing....
> But the article was very interesting, talking as it did about the new breed
> of pressure cookers., most of which are now electric--who knew? And
> apparently some of them are actually three appliances in one--pressure
> cooker, rice cooker and slow cooker. Some even have Bluetooth controls you
> can use with a smartphone.  (Now THAT's a little scary for me!)
> At any rate, in light of our recent thread on this topic, I thought this
> was interesting.  And there was a recipe with the article for white bean,
> pancetta soup that looked good--though I'd probably just cook it on the
> stove the regular way.
> --
> Grace Cangialosi
> Ruckersville, VA
> It's a good thing Mary didn't have to wait for a Doctrine of the
> Incarnation
> before she said "Yes" to God.

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