[Magdalen] Near the end of my rope

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 01:30:21 UTC 2015

Jim, be assured of my prayers and thoughts.

I won't explain all the reasons for this question, but there are several.

Is it possible for Marcy to go into the Hospice Atlanta Center sooner
rather than later?


On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 9:19 PM, Jo Craddock <jocraddock at gmail.com> wrote:

> A couple thoughts follow.
> I doubt she's forgotten that she cares for you, but she may well be mad at
> you. You are not ill, you don't need this help, you are going off to Hawaii
> in a week. This is the control she can exert. It's misplaced, but it's what
> she can do. That doesn't make it hurt you any less, however.
> I spent two college years working part-time/full-time in a nursing home. I
> spent from 1996-2004 as secondary care giver to two aging parents, and
> 2003-2005 as sole care giver to my mother. Due to their varying diagnoses,
> we caught a lot of crap; at the nursing home, I caught a lot of crap
> (figuratively and literally). I find it a distinct lack of calling that an
> evening of "bullying" would result in an aide quitting.
> I wish I were nearer to help in a practical way. I know finding an(other)
> agency takes a lot of the energy you need for yourself. When doing the
> above care, people would often say to me, "Why don't you get some help?"
> Well, sh*t: if I had time to search, inquire, interview, investigate, I'd
> be napping first.
> With prayers for you both, and
> Peace,
> Jo
> On 03/08/2015 8:09 PM, James Handsfield wrote:
>> Sorry to burden you all with this.  Yesterday evening Marcy bullied the
>> evening aide, and today she quit.  I don’t blame her (the aide that is), so
>> tonight I’m caring for Marcy on my own.  That is doable - I’ve done it
>> before.  But it feels like she’s forgotten that she cares for me and is
>> happy to have aides leave.  I’m about to change agencies, and maybe that
>> will make a difference.
>> I’m off to Hawaii for 12 days in a week.  Marcy will be at Hospice
>> Atlanta Center during that time.  But right now I need stamina and
>> strength.  I’m crying as I write this.

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