[Magdalen] Near the end of my rope

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 13:14:56 UTC 2015

Dear Jim, we are all in this with you. That is what this group is about.
This of us who have experience with death and dying understand where you
are coming from.

Does your hospice agency not supply aides? Many if not most do, and they
are specially trained to deal with the anger issues of those who are dying.
They're usually paid better than the "regular" agency aides, too, so are
likely to be of a higher quality to start with. My former DIL was a hospice
home care aide and whatever her other faults may be, she was damn good at

I'm glad you are getting a respite. I daresay the time away may be good for
Marcy, too, as she may get a chance to do some of the work she needs to do.
Leaving of this life is not going to be easy for any of us, that is why we
all want to go quickly (and few of us do!)

On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 8:08 AM, Ann Markle <ann.markle at aya.yale.edu> wrote:

> It is a privilege to walk this journey with you Jim, in your moments of
> despair, as well as those few times of triumph, or at least satisfaction.
> Please don't feel it's a burden, and if it offers you any measure of relief
> or reassurance whatsoever, you should certainly continue.  Do know you
> continue in my prayers, as well as those of my parish.  I'm glad you're
> getting another respite in Hawaii.
> Ann
> The Rev. Ann Markle
> Buffalo, NY
> ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
> blog:  www.onewildandpreciouslife.typepad.com
> On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 9:09 PM, James Handsfield <jhandsfield at att.net>
> wrote:
> > Sorry to burden you all with this.  Yesterday evening Marcy bullied the
> > evening aide, and today she quit.  I don’t blame her (the aide that is),
> so
> > tonight I’m caring for Marcy on my own.  That is doable - I’ve done it
> > before.  But it feels like she’s forgotten that she cares for me and is
> > happy to have aides leave.  I’m about to change agencies, and maybe that
> > will make a difference.
> >
> > I’m off to Hawaii for 12 days in a week.  Marcy will be at Hospice
> Atlanta
> > Center during that time.  But right now I need stamina and strength.  I’m
> > crying as I write this.
> >

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