[Magdalen] Prayer pats for someone who fell down the stairs...

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 20:37:55 UTC 2015

Sorry to hear this, Richard.  Do get looked at ASAP.  Like car noises, 
some things shouldn't be ignored because they will only get worse.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 3/15/2015 10:47 AM, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> ...and that someone would be me. Fell down the stairs in my house and
> wrenched my right shoulder good; very little range of motion at this point.
> If I lift my right hand onto my keyboard with my left, then I can type.
> Also hurt my right foot.  I fear something in there might be broken, but
> there's no swelling and no restriction on movement, it just hurts bad.
> Taking lots of Ibuprofen and gritting my teeth a lot.

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