[Magdalen] and also with me...

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 22:31:50 UTC 2015

Hoping that you, Esther, and Ginga have nothing but good news at your 
various appointments!

Marion, a pilgrim

On 3/16/2015 6:28 PM, Esther Williamson wrote:
> Dear Ginga,
> Praying for you as you await results. There was 20 plus years between 
> my lumpectomy plus radiation and the DCIS which resulted in a 
> mastectomy. I had also had chemo plus radiation for a rectal polyp not 
> long before the ductal carcinoma so no option but mastectomy. I count 
> each year of life since the surgery as a bonus year for which I am 
> very grateful. I see my oncologist tomorrow.
> Keep us posted.
> Esther
> On 3/16/2015 5:31 PM, Ginga Wilder wrote:
>> Dear Friends,
>> I am a breast cancer survivor, although the DCIS I was treated for 5 
>> years
>> ago this month is barely malignant.  BUT, I had an abnormal mammogram 
>> last
>> week and had further diagnostic studies today.  I probably have a
>> recurrence of DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ), near where the tumor was
>> located 5 years ago.  This is actually good news, because it is probably
>> not an invasive malignancy.   With DCIS there is no concern about
>> chemotherapy and the survival rates are quite high….even with a
>> recurrence.  Because I have already had radiation, I can have no more of
>> that, so surgery would be the only option.
>> AND, note the probably, this may be benign calcifications.  The 
>> appearance
>> is significantly different than the other benign calcifications 
>> visible on
>> mammogram.  These are smaller and are in a line, obviously following a
>> duct.
>> Dr. Bethea, the radiologist I trust greatly from 5 years ago, went over
>> everything with me.  She did a stereotactic biopsy today, and I 
>> should have
>> the results from that late tomorrow or Wednesday.  Whatever, I’ll be 
>> quite
>> prepared to see Dr. Christian, my oncologist, on Thursday, an already
>> scheduled check up.
>> Not to worry.
>> Much love,
>> Ginga
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