[Magdalen] Prayer Request Summary Lent 4

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 22:03:36 UTC 2015

"for our sister Ginga Wilder, who has had an abnormal mammogram and is
awaiting further test results (3/16/16)"

This can be removed.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Prayer Request Summary Lent 4
> Collect  for the Fourth Sunday of Lent 2015
> Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be
> the true bread which gives life to the world: Evermore give us this bread,
> that he may live in us, and we in him; who lives and reigns with you and
> the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
> Lord, open our lips, and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
> Let us pray for our own needs and those of others.
> +For the Church +
> We pray for  ++Justin   and all the Primates of our Anglican Communion that
> all set their hope in Christ and work together to remain one;
> for TEC's Presiding Bishop, Katharine, and for all bishops of TEC;
> for newly elected Bishops in TEC (provide names for this PRSummary, if
> desired) that they may serve Christ, their flock and the church
> for the Episcopal Church in South Carolina as they move forward into their
> ministry and challenges with joy
> for the  Diocese of Maryland, Thomas Palermo, Heather Cook and their
> families
> for the Councils and Conventions of TEC, and those who serve them, and the
> preparations leading up to General Convention this summer of 2015 in Salt
> Lake City.
> for General Seminary, NYC and it's students, faculty and trustees
> for Ascension Church Chicago as they experience the shifts and changes of
> reorganization (Scott Knitter 1/18/15)
> for "Marion's Church" (2/14/15)
> for All Saints", Morristown, Tennessee (Jay Weigel 3/2/2015)
> +For all churches in the search process for new rectors: Trinity, Buffalo,
> NY; St. Peter's, Eggertsville, NY; All Saints', Morristown, TN
> +For all clergy seeking new calls:
> +For all those preparing for ordained ministry:
> + For all Religious in their life of prayer:
> + For students in our midst:
> +For the World
> we pray for all elected officials in the USA that they may work together
> for the good of all of the people of our country
> and in the world in all their decision-making
> we pray for an end to the death penalty in the United States and in all
> countries where capital punishment is still permitted.
> we pray for peace in the world and safety for our armed forces
> we pray for those killed and injured in all foreign lands
> we pray for those who have lost their lives by violence, whether by their
> own action or the action of others.
> we pray for ISIS that their hearts may be turned from anger and vengeance.
> we pray for those killed and injured in cyclone Pam which hit Vanuatu last
> week
> +For our List Sisters and Brothers
> for our sister Ginga Wilder, who has had an abnormal mammogram and is
> awaiting further test results (3/16/16)
> for our brother Richard Crawford, who fell down the stairs and sustained a
> small fracture of his shoulder (3/15/15)
> for our sister Kristin Rollins, dealing with "little bits and pieces of
> life just piling up on her" (3/13/15)
> for our brother Jim as he  cares for his wife Marcy and for his safe travel
> and respite in Hawaii (3/6/15)
> for our sister Sally and her family as they process (husband and father)
> Keith's as yet unidentified health problems (3/4/15)
> for our sister Susan Hagen, bit by a cat (3/2/15)
> for our sister Marion as she begins the process of moving her household
> (2/27/15)
> for our sister Capers who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and
> for Walter, her husband, and  all of her extended family (2/23/15)
> for our brother Richard Crawford as he seeks employment at his 'dream
> job'(2/3/15)
> for our brudder Deacon Jon, who has entered hospice care and still
> ministering to many ("And remember, I am nowhere near death" 12/4/14) and
> his wife Dawn.
> +Friends and Family
> for Anjelica Hadsell,  a young woman from Norfolk, VA, who has gone missing
> (Jay Weigel, 3/17/15)
> For Lindsey, grieving her beloved dog Zipp, who had to be euthanized
> following a sudden onset of paralysis which on autopsy was found to be
> Myasthenia Gravis (Jay Weigel, 3/16/15)
> for Jean, daughter-in-law of our sister Georgia+, who has been diagnosed
> with breast cancer, and for her family (3/15/15)
> for Karen, friend of our sister Susan Hagen, who has been diagnosed with
> breast cancer and who also has severe ulcerative colitis and difficult to
> control diabetes (3/15/15)
> for Allen, as he continues his recovery from a terrible fall at work and is
> now beginning intensive physical therapy (Jay Weigel, 3/9/15)
> for Gabrielle and Roger, Jimmie and Geri (Ann+ Markle, 3/9/15)
> for Joy, friend of our sister Lynn, as she battles her third reoccurrence
> of breast cancer and the difficult reaction she is having to the chemo
> (update 3/7/15)
> for the family of Capers as they support her in this time of uncertainty
> (2/23/15)
> for Tim and Nan, two friends of my wife from her AA group, who are battling
> cancer. (Christopher Hart 2/21/15)
> for Daniel, visitor at our sister Ginga's church on Ash Wednesday (2/18/15)
> for Marcy Handsfield, wife of our brother Jim, who has entered Hospice
> (2/18 /15)
> for JWB, severely disabled friend of our brother Bob Rea who is in need of
> a support system after the death of family members (2/2/15)
> +With continuing prayers
> for our sister Ann+ Markle, in her repeated attempts to regain abstinence
> in her food addiction (3/9/15)
> for  Robert and Eileen Smith aunt/uncle to our brother Scott, who are
> experiencing health problems (12/30/14)
> for Oliver and Robert (nephew/brother in law) of our sister Lynn, dealing
> with hard choices and adult problems. (12/24/14)
> for 17 year old Ryan, a good friend of my nephew Chris who is a young man
> with a serious drinking problem, from our sister Sally (1/3/15)
> for Debi Rothenberg friend of our sister Lynn, who has been diagnosed with
> breast cancer (12/3/14)
> for Marcy Handsfield, wife of our brother Jim who is courageously living
> with ALS
> for brudder Jon, who is courageously living with SARC and COPD
> for  sister Eleanor Braun, being treated for ovarian cancer
> for brother Jim Guthrie, being treated for cancer
> for Joy Munday, friend of our sister Lynn, being treated for 3rd
> reoccurrence of breast cancer (after two long remissions)
> for Scott the Younger, partner of our brother Scott
> for Verni Tully, mother of our sister Lynn, who is living with the
> challenging results of a stroke in 2011
> +For our animal friends
> for Zipp, Lindsey's border collie, gone to Rainbow Bridge (3/16/15)
> for Tuco, Belgian Malinois pup of our sister Jay's other-kids John and
> Melissa's family, suffering from a painful and horrific digestive condition
>  (3/4/2015)
> Tama 'kitty', owned by a friend of our brother Richard C, who has gone to
> Rainbow Bridge (2/16/15)
> +For the Departed
> Sir Terry Pratchett, writer of wondrous and often hilarious fantasy
> (3/12/15)
> Hugh, who collapsed and died suddenly at home; also for his wife Drien, who
> found him on her return from work (Sally Davies, 3/10/15)
> Orrin Keepnews, record executive and producer of jazz classics 3/2/15)
> Saturnino Orestes Armas Minoso "Minnie", longtime shortstop of the Chicago
> White Sox (3/1/15)
> Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, president emeritus of the University of Notre Dame
> and crusader for civil rights and social justice (2/27/15)
> Fr. Malcolm Boyd, author of "Are You Running with Me, Jesus?" (2/27/15)
> Leonard Nimoy, Mr. Spock of the "Star Trek" TV series and movies (2/27/15)
> +Jennifer Durand, priest of the Diocese of Virginia, who died following a
> long struggle with ALS (2/19/150
> Kirk Wyss, friend of our sister Jay Weigel and best buddy of her late ex
> (2/20/15)
> +We give thanks for blessings
> for  the golden hammock of love and care in the pub when prayers are said
> and emails are posted to each of us in our times of need.
> that Keith Davies' worrisome "spots" found on a liver scan are definitely
> not malignant (Sally Davies, 3/11/15)
> for the engagement of Beth Conant and George Lambert (2/26/15)
> for the 25th anniversary of the ordination of our sister Grace (2/17/15)
> for the marriage of Ginny Wilder to Barbie Myers  (2/14/15)
> for my dear wife, celebrating 25 years of sobriety today. Please join me in
> giving thanks for the wonder that is AA. Christopher Hart (2/14/15)
> + Concluding Collect +
> O God, be with us as we come together on this list; grant us wisdom as we
> write; compassion as we read; and above all, discernment in our actions, so
> that what we may write, or think, or do may come from your Holy Spirit,
> reflect in all ways your will and in all things be to your glory, through
> Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Composed by Sharon Brown, 9 Feb.2000)

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