[Magdalen] A Rose is a Rose.

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Thu Mar 19 16:36:05 UTC 2015

In a message dated 3/19/2015 10:16:02 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
jguthrie at pipeline.com writes:

other  than an 
acolyte or two crawling around the floor in front of the  altar.>>>>
One of the nice aspects of a liturgically enriched Liturgy such as
one experiences at Saint Paul's K Street, is that there is so  much
esoteric maneuvering going on, it's hard to tell the real Liturgy  from
the ersatz, especially if the extraneous additions are done with
great dignity.
I've told before the story of a friend of mine, a RC priest who spent
18 years as a Trappist monk at the Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky
During Solemn High Mass the deacon lost his underwear
shorts during the chanting of the Gospel.  When he finished, he
simply stepped out of the shorts, leaving them on the sanctuary
pavement.  The liturgical MC solemnly strode across the  sanctuary
and with a swift and well-aimed kick, booted the shorts out of the
sanctuary and into the sacristy.  It looked like a planned part
of the Mass Liturgy.
David Strang.

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