[Magdalen] Awareness/Memories.

Ferdinand von Prondzynski F.von-Prondzynski at rgu.ac.uk
Sat Mar 21 10:50:27 UTC 2015

My earliest memory is from the age of 2, when I travelled with my family
for a holiday on an island of the North German coast, and saw the ocean
for the first time. I remember that. But I don’t remember what I said,
which is actually more memorable. According to my mother, I saw the sea
and exclaimed in German: 'Kolossal viel Wasser im Bach!’ - which
translates as ‘there’s a colossal amount of water in the stream!’

‘Colossal' was a word I must have overheard from my parents, and before
then my only experience of water outside was the stream running past our


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