[Magdalen] Terminology query (was Re: speaking of downsizing...)

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 31 21:10:36 UTC 2015

On 31/03/2015 20:00, Jay Weigel wrote:
> Me too. I was supposed to get my grandma's dining room table which graced
> my parents' dining room for many years after Grandma moved to Tennessee to
> live with them, but I have no place for it so I willed it to my daughter. I
> do have Grandma's bureau, which was part of her first bedroom suite;

This side of the pond a bureau would be found in a living room or 
office.  It has drawers and a writing surface that can be concealed 
either by folding the flap up or, less common in domestic settings, a 
roll-down shutter.  Behind the sriting surface are up right dividers and 
possible some small drawers.  Generally that area can be locked.

Marion's reference to a tallboy bureau and this comment from Jay suggest 
we are talking about two very different items of furniture.


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