[Magdalen] trying to sell my house

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Sat May 9 17:29:01 UTC 2015

From: Scott Knitter

I don't know, and I'm not aware of the rules of governance that apply. The
abbot is an invited member of the (annual? not sure) meeting of U.S.
Benedictine superiors (abbots, prioresses, etc.) and is recognized by them,
so there's some degree of authority from that. CAROA may also have a right
to object or approve, but I don't think there's a formal mechanism for
that. There are guidelines published by that group (Council of Anglican
Religious Orders in the Americas?). They're not binding but are sometimes
useful, as when our previous rector had a dispute with the Sisters of St.
Anne. It was settled partly by one nun being sent out of the convent. He
and they had some rocky times.

Interesting stuff! Suzanne leads lots of retreats for the Benedictines hither 
and yon (the last one last month in Santa Barbara), so I'm always hearing the 
latest news from them.


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