[Magdalen] Acronyms and initialisms (was TECnical question)

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Tue May 12 00:18:38 UTC 2015

From: ME Michaud

>used it to harrass convents. Shadows exist in condominium law. We
>cannot have more than two unrelated adults sharing a unit in our

Condos and Co-ops can set their own rules -- having nothing to do with laws 
outside, as long as they do don’t contravene public laws.

>It was only a few years ago that the law allowing churches to veto a
>license to serve alcohol within a certain number of yards of the church
>was overturned when a restaurant in Harvard Square sued the adjacent
>Armenian church for the right to obtain a liquor license.

Liquor laws are special, thanks to the amendment repealing prohibition. In New 
York State, you simply can’t sell alcohol on Sunday mornings, for example. And 
until about 10 years ago, liquor stores could not be open on a Sunday. Period.

The American Legion Post in Bay Ridge fixed both the Mosque Next Door and the 
Assemblies of God Church across the street by moving the bar upstairs, 
installing large windows on the first floor, and renting out the space for an 
exercise spa filled with millennials in tight sexy garb jumping around and 
dancing and being especially provocative. Fixed both their wagons, as the kids 
in tight spandex spill into Bay Ridge Avenue out front of both the Mosque and 
the Assemblies. There are discounts for sessions on Friday Evenings, Wednesday 
Evenings and Sunday mornings and evenings too.


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