[Magdalen] Acronyms and initialisms (was TECnical question)

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Mon May 11 23:46:14 UTC 2015

Another oddity about Massachusetts is Boston's prohibition against
a large number of unrelated adults living at the same residence. It
was supposed to be used to control the number and size of brothels,
but the anti-Catholic zealots of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
used it to harrass convents. Shadows exist in condominium law. We
cannot have more than two unrelated adults sharing a unit in our

It was only a few years ago that the law allowing churches to veto a
license to serve alcohol within a certain number of yards of the church
was overturned when a restaurant in Harvard Square sued the adjacent
Armenian church for the right to obtain a liquor license.

On Monday, May 11, 2015, Charles Wohlers <charles.wohlers at verizon.net>

> I think it depends on the state. At least in Massachusetts, churches can
> be located anywhere, no matter the zoning. As the Town of Belmont learned
> when the Mormons decided to build their incredibly ugly temple right on top
> of a hill next to Rt. 2, where it would be most visible.

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