[Magdalen] Something cringe worthy...

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Thu May 21 22:39:18 UTC 2015

On 21/05/2015 21:54, Jon Egger wrote:
> ...from Trinity's weekly email.  I wish I were making this up:
> "We will also be performing a baptism for J**** S**** at the 8:00 am Sunday
> service, so please give a warm Trinity welcome to J**** and his mother,
> A****."

I have a query about this, why is this happening at the 8.00 a.m. 
service rather than the mid-morning one?  I know that in England we 
moved away from it in many places because of the number of babies to be 
baptised but the principle (right from the 1662 BCP) is that baptisms 
should be in the context of the main Sunday service.

Folowing on from Lynn's comment I would end the sentence after "8.00 am 
Sunday service".  The second sentence could then read "Please give a 
warm Trinity welcome to J**** and his family."


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