[Magdalen] Ireland

Joseph Cirou romanos at mindspring.com
Wed May 27 15:20:15 UTC 2015

I remember many years ago there was an accident in Quebec. I had my oils in
the car and I administered the sacrament of the sick to the victim. Someone
came up to me and mentioned (in French) that I didn't have to be so formal.

I don't think I would have changed the rite of the sick but I might have
been more conversational if weren't speaking French as a second language.

I might have been improvising as it was I don't remember whether I had a
French Ritual I did have my breviary in French and some of those books have
emergency formulas for the sick and dying


On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Jim Guthrie <jguthrie at pipeline.com> wrote:

> From: Marion Thompson
>  'Overwhelmingly RC Quebec' vanished in the 60's with the silent
>> revolution. However, Quebec is, without doubt, the most liberal (Not big L)
>> and, if you like, most socialist province in the country.
> I believe that the RCC still counts all those lapsed(?) Catholics as
> members, though. If not, Quebec would be unique in the RC scheme of things
> <g>.
> Of course, if we counted members like the RCs or Southern Baptists in the
> U.S., we all know that TEC has more than 6-million members.
> Ireland is probably a good example as well -- lots of non-participants
> counted as active members by the RCs.
> Cheers,
> Jim

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