[Magdalen] Canada's new government

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Thu Nov 5 00:22:22 UTC 2015

On 04/11/2015 23:42, Molly Wolf wrote:
> We have a Sikh Minister of Defence with combat experience is Bosnia and Afghanistan, a female Minister of Justice who is Treaty First Nations, and another minister (can't remember her portfolio) who is a refugee.  Our Minister of Finance actually has a strong background in financial institutions.  The Cabinet, besides being 50 percent women, is visibly and strongly multicultural.

 From what you say those Ministers actually know what they're going to 
be talking about.  They will be able toi ask their covol servants the 
hard questions, pointing out precisely why doing x is not a good idea 
and would not have the desired effect.  Maryam Monsef is the Afghani 
refugee, Minister of Democratic Institutions. Before she was born an 
uncle was abducted from his university dorm and never heard from again.  
Her father was caught in cross-fire at the Iran-Afghanistan border.  
Fate not known, but we can guess.


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