[Magdalen] Oscar Meyer Closure.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 22:57:15 UTC 2015

Yeah, well, Kraft-Heinz has just closed an Ontario factory in St. 
Mary's, a town of 6,800,  costing 214 jobs. They had bottled Kraft salad 
dressings there since the Fifties.
Heinz closed the Leamington factory after 100 yrs of ketchup making 
there, 740 jobs lost in the spring.  These are modest towns in southwest 
Ontario and the factories were dependent on the farms and the farms on 
them.  Is there not a better way to do this?  Nothing good ever comes to 
the grass roots from these mega-mergers.  It's all about bottom line and 
global markets and nothing about the poor schnooks who have laboured to 
make that profitability possible.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 11/7/2015 3:09 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen wrote: I feel so bad for 
my home State's Capital, Madison, Wisconsin. After 2/3rds of a century, 
Kraft/Heinz is closing its Oscar Meyers headquarters and plant with 
terrible loss of 1,000 jobs. The Oscar Meyer brand isn't going away, 
however, but this is part of a widespread "restructuring" of 
Kraft/Heinz, which has downsized thousands of workers in earlier 
consolidations. What will Madison's East Side be like without the stench 
of the slaughterhouse and meat packing odors apparent even through 
closed car windows? Seriously, though, this is a terrible blow to 
Madison, and the authorities there "did not see it coming." I'm reminded 
of the impact of Grand Metropolitan when they purchased Pillsbury in 
Minneapolis, and strode into that city like Mehmet II, Ottoman Sultan, 
claiming all for himself.and Islam in 1453. The downtown skyscraper 
headquarters of Pillsbury was Grand Metropolitan's Hagia Sophia, and 
they strode into the building, immediately dismissing a thousand 
Pillsbury executives. I pray for all the torn up lives and for the City 
of Madison. You'd think trying to survive Gov. Walker would be enough 
sadness for the next century. David Strang.

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