[Magdalen] When you come to a fork in the road take it

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 00:01:27 UTC 2015

In his second month (August) after weeks of rewiting, he gave me a 
template.  I followed it  and he still rewrote the end product.  So I 
have simply reverted to my normal style that touches on the five 
categories without bias.  Sure I'm being resistant, but.  He wants all 
things short to non-existent; if Mass finished in 30 minutes he would be 
thrilled!  Watch him drum his fingers if those bringing up the elements 
are slow off the mark.  He routinely demotes our remembrance of the BVM 
and St. Peter our Patron, to Mary and Peter. And I always restore their 
proper honourific when I'm the intercessor.  It's a mess and it's easier 
for me just to leave.  He surely won't suddenly become A-C and I'm no 
Protestant.   He has moved the lectern to the crossing in our little 
place, he conducts the Liturgy of the Word from the Rector's desk and 
expects the sub-deacon and deacon to sit in the choir with him until the 
Peace. These last two roles he has rendered redundant because he does 
everything himself now and we stand around, useless as tits on a bull, 
as one might delicately put it.    But he has changed nothing!  Ach, I 
could go on.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 11/8/2015 6:40 PM, Scott Knitter wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Marion Thompson
> <marionwhitevale at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, Jay.  I'm feeling pretty low.  It probably weighs a lot more on me
>> than him, but it's the place I've called home for seven years.  He holds
>> that the form of the liturgy has caused people to leave,  "people have
>> said".  Well, let them be named.  " I haven't changed anything", he says.
> {{{Marion}}}
> That "People have said" stuff is the pits...we've had lots of that in
> our parish's recent snarls.
> You've been patient long enough with this, and it sounds like you were
> quite justified to let your views be known in clear terms to your PIC.
> How hard would it be for him to just say what he wants you to do
> regarding the PoP? "I'd like them to be similar in length and style to
> the following example..." or "I'd really like to write them myself."
> Whatever is behind his rewriting. Here's hoping the bishop can help
> with an insightful suggestion or resolution. You don't need the PIC
> wasting your time as he has been.

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