[Magdalen] Pope and Kim Davis.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Oct 2 08:34:32 UTC 2015

On 02/10/2015 05:38, Sibyl Smirl wrote:
> I'm a little too sleepy to look it up with the help of google, but I 
> remember (and too sleepy to be accurate on the remembering, either) 
> something about there being several criteria for an Infallible 
> pronouncement, and that there have only been about five of those 
> altogether, ever, that fit the criteria.

The Pope needs to be speaking definitively and /ex cathedra/ on a matter 
of faith and morals.  There are only two of them.  The first was the 
Unfallible Conception of the BVM, the belief that she was conceived 
without stain of Original Sin.

The more recent one (1950) is the Assumption of Mary, body and soul, 
into heaven. That mirrors the Orthodox belief in her Dormition and goes 
back to the very Early Church.


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