[Magdalen] Kimchi pickle review.

M J [Mike] Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Wed Oct 14 17:48:59 UTC 2015

>>>Both of our (Mike's and mine) pickles are continuing to "work" in the
fridge, Lynn. They seem to be doing so in varying ways. Mine are great!<<<

Mine probably are too!  (Remember I had unreal expectations over the weekend.)  I think I'll try another one tonight, since I've already compromised the seal, and see how I fare.  The unsealed one won't be opened until needed.  And this coming weekend I'll make another couple jars, just more tightly packed this time, in case too much free floating is the problem.  I don't think it is, because there's just too much spice in that water for it to be.  But it may actually be too much water.  We'll see (taste)!

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