[Magdalen] VTS Chapel Consecration

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Oct 16 17:53:49 UTC 2015

On 15/10/2015 23:04, ME Michaud wrote:
> Per Wikipedia, red for D.D.s and black for everybody else.
> But maybe that's only England.
> (In England the D.D. is an actual degree;
> in the U.S. it's an honorary degree).

It can be, and often is, honorary in England as well.  Back in the day 
all newly appointed bishops werer given an honorary Lambeth DD, 
entitling them to wear a scarlet chimere.  That stopped some time ago 
but they still wear scarlet most of the time, though it is meant to be 
only at celebratory occasions.  The scarlet was presumably exported 
along with AnglicANISM.

Black is worn by the person being consecrated and as part of the choir 
dress at funerals.  A scarlet chimere can also be worn by a priest who 
gas a DD.


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