[Magdalen] health care...

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Wed Oct 21 08:59:43 UTC 2015

On 21/10/2015 02:43, ME Michaud wrote:
> Few would agree, but I actually never wanted to find my own doctor. And I
> know more about evaluating them then the average bear knows. Group practice for me, please. Team practice.

This side of the pond that is normal.  We are registered with a 
particular doctor but can see any of the team.  This reduces the 
pressure on the individual doctor because they can actually get some 
time off.  The team also offers a degree of peer supervision.  The 
wisdom of that, and what led to more pressure on government to do away 
with single doctor practices, was seen in the case of Harold Shipman who 
is believed to have killed about 250 of his patients.


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