[Magdalen] Priest in Charge.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Sep 4 22:17:29 UTC 2015

On 04/09/2015 20:26, Jay Weigel wrote:
> In my former parish, it so happens that the senior and junior warden are
> both what we fondly speak of as "dragon ladies"--those women who know how
> it's done and keep things going with, without, and sometimes in spite of
> the clergy. T

The trick is for the clergyperson who is there to identify the people 
with the appropriate gifts and to encourage them specifically with 
direct authorisation and encouragement.  Others are reminded that there 
are other factors that need to be considered and that it is the priest's 
prerogative to lead.  Of course this will operate most effectively in 
parishes where "Father says" is sufficient justification for anything, 
and when Father knows Canon Law, even if Father does not want to be the 
final arbiter on what happens in the parish.


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