[Magdalen] Prayers for Ascension, Chicago

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 13:44:39 UTC 2015

I didn't know a bishop could vacate a vestry, but I think that is a good thing. Can they also remove individual members from a vestry? I've been in two situations where that should have happened.

> On Sep 15, 2015, at 9:36 AM, ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here, too. I've seen a bishop vacate a vestry, and I've seen it more than
> once.
> Ugly difficult times but, as you say, sometimes necessary.
> -M
> On Tuesday, September 15, 2015, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com>
> wrote:
>> I agree that there is a need for healing but that can mean clearing out
>> all the source of infection.  This side of the pond the bishop can
>> disqualify someobody from election as a warden if they have contributed to
>> the breakdown of the pastoral relationship that resulted in an incumbent
>> having to leave.  There is also the point, which I raised earlier, that
>> succeeding in driving Fr Cobb out will have encouraged the complainers.
>> For the good of the parish it may be necessary to clip their wings.

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