[Magdalen] The end of the Anglican Communion??

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 21:17:02 UTC 2015

Why do they care?  I'm not sure I do.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 9/16/2015 4:47 PM, Roger Stokes wrote:
> On 16/09/2015 19:44, ME Michaud wrote:
>> Two comments:
>> I'll be interested to read more coverage. Don't always tremble with
>> admiration at the Guardian.
>> And does this give comfort or dash the hopes of the breakaways who have
>> claimed soon to be recognized as legit by Canterbury? Does it matter?
> The fact that ACNA has been invited to have an observer at the 
> Primates Meeting might be seen as giving them hope, but I am not sure 
> how well-founded that hope would be.  I think being in communion with 
> Canterbury would need to go through the C/E General Synod, and I would 
> expect a lot of opposition there. I would also expect there to be a 
> requirement to recogbize TEC as legitimately part of the Anglican 
> Communion and the real continuing Anglican entity in the USA, and the 
> same for the Anglican Church inb Canada. Would they sign up to that?
> Roger

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