[Magdalen] Nadia Bolz-Weber

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 23:31:02 UTC 2015

We in the USA have several ways around it,
there's y'all and y'all y'all
there's you guys (our local usage)
and youze guys.

But it's an ongoing issue.

On Thursday, September 17, 2015, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com>

> On 17/09/2015 21:57, ME Michaud wrote:
>> I love my language, our beautiful native English,
>> but I hate the fact that the singular you and the plural you
>> are so easily confused :-(
> Do we need to go back to "thou" and "ye"?  The laugh in that is that some
> regard addressing God as "thou" is more respectful than saying "you",
> totally missing the fact that using the second person singular (thou) is
> unambiguously more intimate, the way you would address a child or close
> family member whereas you would use the plural form (ye) for a
> superordinate.
> Roger

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