[Magdalen] Saint Andrew's Collegiate Chapel, PDS.

Christopher Hart cervus51 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 2 16:37:08 UTC 2016

I've been by this place from time to time, but I don't think I've ever been
inside it (unless perhaps as a young child when the Divinity School was
still here and my grandfather had connections). I wonder if it's possible
to get in and see it in person. Probably not unless you have special
permission and a guide. Thanks for sharing this, David.

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 1:28 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> There's nothing spookier than an abandoned church, and, sadly, that is  the
> case for the chapel of the former Philadelphia Divinity School that  merged
> with the Cambridge, MA Divinity School in 1974.  The ownership is  now
> the University of Pennsylvania, the Ivy League school, and there has  been
> really no use of this building for a couple of decades.  Necessary to
> upgrade
> the building:  $1 million.
> The Chapel was designed and built at the height of the Collegiate  Gothic
> Revival.  The building is unusually tall and narrow, and features  stalls
> that rival some of the medieval ones such as Chester Cathedral and  those
> at Amiens Cathedral, France.
> Liturgical music as well as a lot of classical music must have been
> wonderful in this stone space with timbered vault.
> I recall a clergyman on this list (if memory serves) who was a  graduate
> of PDS, and who was wondering what was done with the chapel back
> in the day.
> The answer is, nothing.
> http://www.facilities.upenn.edu/maps/locations/divinity-site-main-chapel
> http://www.upenn.edu/almanac/volumes/v56/n27/images_n27/slideshow/index.htm
> David Strang.


Christopher Hart

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