[Magdalen] Cicadas

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Sat Apr 16 03:44:12 UTC 2016

I discovered the infernal beasts in the summer between my 5th and 6th grade year, on a vacation with my parents.  On our way out of California, we campgrounded at Needles.  I was walking with my Pop through the campground the first evening, and I finally had to ask:  "Why did they build a campground so close to an electrical transformer?  The noise is deafening!"  Pop pointed to the trees, and I learned about God's gift of cicadas.  Birds and the bees, cicadas and the trees.  Both were just about as mind-blowing for me.  (Note to self at the time:  "Jesus, God, what were you thinking?!")

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