[Magdalen] No more attacks on Tim Kaine's faith | Faithful America

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Mon Aug 1 09:46:24 UTC 2016

On 31/07/2016 22:58, Jay Weigel wrote:
> Thing is, whatever Tim believes privately, he does not push it on
> others......unlike Ted Cruz (ptoo ptoo ptoo). That's what freedom of
> religion is all about.

Precisely, it is the freedom to hold your own religious views balanced 
with the responsibility to respect those of others.  For example, Kaine 
does not approve of abortion but, as a politician, he recognizes he 
should not impose that view on others who do not share his personal 
morality.  Naturally this all has to comply with the general rules of 
public safety and the provision of sufficient information, given in a 
balanced and unemotive way, to allow informed consent to a medical 


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