[Magdalen] Modestly sized prayers, please.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Sat Aug 6 04:26:14 UTC 2016

Some of the vasculitis hot spots have "broken through", as it were, again, necessitating bandaging, once again.  But because I'm catching it early this time, and not letting it go for months till things get (ahem) distinctly out of hand, -- and because my sanity watchphrase these days is "Panic is not an option" --, I'm merely bandaging lightly, providing mainly physical protection, bacterial (mostly) protection, and the support that can only come from mild compression, ... I'm not too pissed.  I have my quarterly appointment at Stanford Derm on Tuesday, at which I'll argue for more and different drugs, WITHOUT the dreaded bone marrow biopsy, which may happen someday, but I'm gonna argue it don't need to happen now.  I need this inflammation DOWN, NOW.  We'll see.  If anything, I'm sure I'll let some tears fly about how this shit should be getting better, not worse (which it is).  Waaaah.

Emotionally, things are dicey on a couple of fronts, but survivable.

Work, surprisingly, is sweet.  Go figure.

Thanks in advance.

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