[Magdalen] Stanford update: I'm so happy I could just [spit].

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Wed Aug 10 17:08:44 UTC 2016

Not really.  The spitting, that is.  Never been a spitter, and with a bushy mustache, .. well, you get it.

Yesterday I met with yet another set of new doctors at the dermatology clinic ("We work as a team here."), and I don't know if it was the new set, or just "the fullness of time", but Doogie Howser (http://tinyurl.com/jucwx4z) basically said it's time to kick this sh*t's ass and get me some relief (my words), and politely prescribed me a new medication (one that DOESN'T require a bone marrow biopsy first) to be taken in conjunction with an 8-week course of (drum roll) Prednisone, starting high and tapering off.  I nearly fainted from joy.  Having dealt with Prednisone many years before but with such results that couldn't be forgotten even if I tried, I know what to expect.  But after 1.5 years of this garbage, I'm sure I'll still be bowled over.


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