[Magdalen] To bring it all full circle: Stanford.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Thu Aug 25 14:02:05 UTC 2016

Here's what I sent my Stanford doc not long after my blessed insomnia began at 2 am....


To: *****, MD
From: Logsdon, Michael
Received: 8/25/2016 ***** AM PST
Just letting you know:  the cytoscopy is done.  My urological reality is that I'm okay.  And, yes, I'll make sure my local doc forwards you the results, and if that doesn't happen, I'll bring them personally to the next appointment.  I will tell you this, though.  That procedure will happen again ONLY UNDER GENERAL.  I've had 8 invasive procedures done since January, and this one takes the cake.  Never again.  It might even give me nightmares.  You medical sorts need to realise that your profession discovered sedation for a REASON.  I wouldn't wish what I experienced yesterday on my worst enemy.  AND, I was prepped with lidocaine.  Yeah, like that helped.  Give me a butchering shin biopsy any day, and a colonoscopy once a week, anything but that again.



PS:  Legs/feet:  still doing better.  We'll see when the prednisone is done.  Where there's no known cure, a good thing may need to continue, in some form, no matter what.

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