[Magdalen] Hoopee-doo.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Thu Aug 25 15:27:09 UTC 2016

>>>I have to say that I am somewhat gladdened to see this, because the
influence of this cult in our country has been unhelpful.  Growing up I
recall often feeling fortunate that I belonged to a religious community
that validated thinking.<<<

We California Southern Baptists were, as I've mentioned before, a bit more gentle.  Social issues?  What's that?  Drinking?  That's between the individual Southern Baptist and his fridge, no one else.  Really, though I got the theology (what there is of it in the "Baptist Faith and Message"), I definitely didn't get the "southern" perspective.  Sing the hymns, do the committees, Church Training on Sunday evenings, and of course the potlucks, and you were a shoe-in for Heaven.

But then, of course, thanks to college (a So Bapt one, no less), I got "saved", and here I am today.

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