[Magdalen] Diane Rehm

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 16:32:24 UTC 2016

For you U.S. sibs, you probably know that today is the last live broadcast of the Diane Rehm show after 37 years. She is absolutely the best interviewer I've ever heard, and she presents views from all perspectives. She will have a weekly podcast beginning in January.
Today she's taking calls and reading emails specifically talking about this being her last show--some famous and some not. Judy Collins called awhile ago and at Diane's request, sang one verse of "Amazing Grace."
Some years ago she interviewed Verna Dozier. I missed that one, but I'm going to try to find it this week. For those who don't know Diane, I commend her archive to you.

She's just made a plea for open listening, especially as folks gather during the holidays. That kind of listening has been a hallmark of her show.

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