[Magdalen] Pause for thought

ROGER STOKES roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Dec 30 23:19:49 UTC 2016

I arrived in Little Rock yesterday afternoon after several hours on I-40. As I dropped down towards the city I saw billboards proclaiming "Time to drain the swamp", "We've kicked the establishment out", "Make America great again" and "Crooked Hillary". Is draining the swamp consistent with putting those who have the money in the cabinet? Which presidential candidate was indicted and whose Foundation is under investigation and been barred from soliciting donations in New York State?
Today I went to the Presidential Library, the first time I have been to such an establishment so I don't know how it compares with the other ones. There were displays about Bill and Hillary Clinton's early lives and about significant events during the Clinton presidency. They referred to the gloomy prognostications that his program would lead to another depression and growth in the National Debt - and to the fact that the labor market increased in size and the deficit he inherited was turned into a surplus.
One of the clips from the end of his presidency referred to his confidence that the USA would maintain its place in the global sphere, promoting interdependence and prosperity for the benefit of all. As I left one of the volunteer guides thanked me for visiting and I observed that it had given me much to think about in the present context both sides of the pond. From there I went to the Rock Town Distillery, founded after the 2008 crash. At the end of the tour in the tasting room the guide observed he thought he might need lots of whiskey to get through the next four years.

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