[Magdalen] The playoff grid for Lenten Madness

James Oppenheimer-Crawford oppenheimerjw at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 18:44:52 UTC 2016

They have picked some very impressive candidates for the Lenten Madness
playoffs this year.  I found several favorites.

Get your very own Saintly Scorecard for a paltry $3 at

Subscribe to Lenten Madness and be prepared to learn some marvelous stuff
about some saints, some familiar (Joseph) and some, uh, not so familiar
(and high time I learn about them if they are chosen by Forward Movement as
part of the 32 contendahs.

I look forward to the bloggers who will talk about the various candidates
as they come up, such as Elmo, Roch, Meister Eckhardt, Christina Rossetti,
Lawrence ("turn me over"), Drogo, Athanasius, and many more.

Previous winners are such diverse folks as Brigid, arguably the oldest
saint ever, and Frances Perkins, good Episcopalian lady and a female (gasp)
member of the President's Cabinet back in the dark days of WW II.

If you wish to, you can get the discussions of the saints on facebook.

If you prefer email, you can subscribe to the Church of the Good Shepherd
and then ask for the email feed for Lenten Madness (they are nice enough to
give that option. For those who do not care for the facebook confusion (of
which I am becoming one), it's an intriguing option where you just get the
email you want and that's it.


I think LM has a presence on twitter, but I do not use that, so I can't

James W. Oppenheimer-Crawford
*“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved,
except in memory. LLAP**”  -- *Leonard Nimoy

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