[Magdalen] More prayers, PLEASE!

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 05:48:30 UTC 2016

Could I ask that the discussion of septic systems please be migrated to the
thread thoughtfully started by Sibyl (for which I thank her), and that this
one be confined to the prayer requests and updates?

Thank  you all.

Jay, whose last nerve is a little frayed tonight

On Thursday, February 4, 2016, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> In a message dated 2/4/2016
> septic  system at my house in Tennessee and for the second time since
> >  Christmas it's backed up into the washing machine.
> My simpathies as I have been through some similar problems
> at the family lake place in Wisconsin.
> But I must mention the septic problem experienced by a friend of
> mine in Eau Claire who lived on the edge of the city and did not have
> the city water and sewer.
> He had some problems with backup, and it came to a climax one
> warm, humid summer night when he could be seen by the  surrounding
> homes in his cul de sac digging an area in his front yard.
> This event was during the time his troubles and eventual  divorce from his
> wife of 20 years became very public.
> The next day the word was out in Eau Claire:  Dr. Ulrich finally  killed
> his wife, and buried her in the front lawn.
> He was instead, of course, digging up his clogged septic tank.
> David Strang.

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