[Magdalen] Madeline Albright.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 8 18:32:14 UTC 2016

On 08/02/2016 14:28, Sally Davies wrote:
> As for the GOP candidates I've seen so far, Ben Carson looks like a decent
> chap and I'd be happy to have him check out my X rays, but that's it. The
> rest are a "tinnitus of trolls" (my fave collective noun for trolls). Their
> speeches seem to contain nothing but various ugly dog whistles and
> schoolyard taunting....certainly nothing that sounds like adult leadership;
> though Jeb Bush came close the other day. Which is something I can't
> believe I'd ever hear anyone say, let alone say it myself!!

One thing they need to remember at the moment is that their cirrent 
opponents are also Republicans.  The time for attacking what the current 
President has done, and by implicayion the Democratic candidate, is a 
few months down the line.  At the moment they need to demonstrate why 
they are the best person to lead the GOP cause in November when compared 
with the other candidates.  If there were only two, or possibly three, 
candidates then pulling a rival dowen could increase your chances of 
getting the nomination.  With such a crowded field there is only a 
fractional chance that if you persuade a voted that X is a no-hoper then 
they will turn to support you instead.


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